Off Licence & Tobacconist

Displayed as two distinctive shops, you can take a trip down memory lane as you rediscover the vast range of alcohol and tobacco on sale in bygone years.

If you like a tipple, you’ll love the display of figurines from Johnnie Walker, Dubonnet, Hennessy, Teachers, Ben Truman and Beefeater Gin.

There’s a variety of rare merchandising memorabilia, including a Guinness light created out of a seal balancing a blue ball on its head, which is believed to be only one of a few ever produced by Guinness.

Several examples of ‘medicinal’ tipples can be seen such as Hollands Gin, Vinecta, Burgoyne’s Tintaro and Old Grans Special Toddy. And if you remember the Babycham years, you’ll love the display of bottles, glasses, trays and table mats.

In the tobacconist you’ll find well known brands such as Black Cat, Players and Piccadilly, together with some more elusive names such as Squadron Leader, Black Beauty Shag and Baby’s Bottom!